my BamBanGan Moment

i wasn't really wanna go to pick up d bambangan coz i noe it will be hard..
huh... but for d sake of my sis, i juz go to make the situation merrier...
starting off our journey by
looking for durian first,
yay!!! got one...
then we go off to the bambangan area...
it is on a hilly area
have to pass thru people house again...
waaa mcm jungle treking
(really mish dat moment - a.k.a the pacat thingy)
but lucikly no pacat there...
juz worried ada lintah (0.0)
cuz.. there was a paddy field once there...
then, the hardest moment is to climb the hill,
me wearing only my flip-flops (a.k.a selipar jipun)
nasib bek tia terputus hahahahaha
looking for suitable tree veins to hang on to but nothing seems to come in handy
then by all the might i manage to get thru the slippery part
then we go bambangan hunting hahahaha
the color of the bambangan is almost the same as the falling leaves so
its kinda hard to look for it.. hehehe

Otw home got to sit at the back.. haha.. sluar sd kotor with puddle of mud
n i got some luka luka kecil at my arms hehehe
n penat mengangkat turun bukit bambangan at about approx 15biji
punya la berat...
anyway.. dat is it no wan go again...


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