latest updates!!

its been almost a month i dint write anything here, well just for updates, i hv been away for home last raya holiday yippie.. so glad to be back, playing with dotta & dotti the dua ikur anak anjing yg gumuk and pindik.. haha so cute n active, so active that they use my slipper as a toy n bite it (*hufff*).. playing all day wif calista, listening to her talk and sing, hahaha its fun, when i hear she sing "gila, gila, gila" i was wondering which song was that, until i heard the actual song is actually saying "get love get love" hahaha (*caley caley how la u can heard that one wrong)... im having so much fun and rest that i totally ignored all the asaimens i brought home to finish it up.. hahaha
after a week of fun and in wonderland, i have to step bek to reality..

(*gaps*, sigh)

the first thing to finish off is the instrument asaimen, which i forgotten totally to edit n print, and then to finish of my term paper.. o missy allocyathin, pls be good for me... it took me almost three days to finish the term paper, and now, as i have (*almost*) finish writing it (perhaps it is more likely pasting hahaha) i had found out that my panel, is one of the most scariest panel of all.. OMG.. i was so shocked when i saw the name JL huhuhu.. hopefuly i can deliver the best on the day of presentation... hurm.. so sad... so now, after this, i really want to "refurbish" my term paper into simpler language that i can understand before the due next monday.. hukhulkhukhuk

*i think its still not too late for me to wish*

"Happy Eid Mubarak"

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