Updates on my current hobby~

Ok this is the whole collection of it, some has already finish and some just need some appliques to it so that it look nicer =)

This is the first attempt to make a bag, and yay~
i have made it, it's my Biscuit Camera Case..
(*a bit tight*)

This one is using yarn that i ordered from turkey (hehehehe) but it havent finish yet, i was thinking of making a round bag, but only one-sided has finish, and im yet to think of the other side pnya colour.. =)

This one was the attempt to make a hobo bag,
but due to shortage of yarn, and i have bought a wrong color yarn to finish it of, then it becomes my bag for all my yarn...

This one is made from yarn i bought from Daiso~ so it's a Japanese yarn.. hehehe =)
the texture is so soft, and could actually be made into a cloth-wear (baju)
it's meant to be given away (anyone?)

This bag is yet to be completed with its straps, zip and inner lining.
Made of yarn from Daiso also, the purple and pinky one, the black one is a Nona Yarn =)

This is what happen to the yarn along with the Biscuit case, it becomes my HD case.. yay~

Aa.. this was my first attempt using granny square pattern to make a bag,
and i manage to get 7 squares from the pinky yarn (Daiso) because the yarn is not so lengthy, and i still have a lot of the purple yarn =)
and this one has been given away to a friend,
Miss Nurul Hidayu

hahahahahaha =)
my attempt to make baby booties turns out like this one =)
wanna finish a real one for baby Zara Liyana

i think that is all for now


wHoSeNa said…
so cute!!
sile ajarkan ak..ak dh lame teringin nk belajar mengait tau...
Anonymous said…
Hehe.. naa.. sini da..
sama ja kita ni, so sy pun crocheting la tu.. sbb sy pun guna 1 needle ja tu ari.. pastu sy pndai 1 pattern ja.. sedih.. :p

ps: sama hard disc kita.. tp sy pny black color.. hehe ;p

eMiLyRacHeaL said…
edith: hahahaha.. ya crocheting la tu, ada sa tetinguk d blog ko tu ari.. banyak lagi knun pattern dia tu, klu rajin2 boring2 p meng'crochet.. hehehe =)
Adie Comey said…
wahhh...cantik kasut tu..... suke nya... cepat2 em siap kan..

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