The ExPendaBLe

yes. i WATCHED this movie last weekend, with no knowledge wat genre of this movie is, but keep on going. hahaha heard that this is a boy thingy movie, because the flyfm deejay, kept asking wether girls would go and watch the movie. despite all that i went to the cinema last weekend and watch this movie.

ok. from what i see at the beginning of the movie are some familiar names of actors that usually do action movie, namely Jet-Li, arnold (susahnaksebut), bruce willies, 'the rock', and few others... hahahaha... yeah all action heroes bebeh.... it started with this somalian pirates scene, well, maybe that's how people are doing when they are captured by pirates, pity.

then the story developed, to where stallone and arnold met in a bid for a job-contract, how irony is that, the meeting is held at a church (*whataretispeoplethinkingactually*) and there are these dialog that made the whole cinema to laugh

arnold: what are u doing here? praying for a job?
stallone: yeah.
arnold: look like u have lost some weight
stallone: yeah what i have lost u gained
(hahaha indicating that arnold is getting bigger)
arnold: let's have dinner sometimes
stallone: yeah sure, when?
arnold: in a thousand years time
stallone: that's too soon
(hahahahahahaha) what is wrong with him (refering to AS)
stallone: he wants to be the president.

then, the Barney Ross (Stallone) team, when to the place called vilena, for the job they had, and all i can say is that this movie is only full with gunshot fights.. merceneries i mean, all i can hear towards the climax of the story is *bang bang bang* shooting here and there and explosive...

so i think, i like the jokes in this movie, but i dislike (totally dislike) the shootings and the bombing, its not kewl (cool) hohohohohohoh


FYI: this is my point of view. say what i like and dislike.

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