my term paper

scary as it sound,
yes i have to do it
my organic term paper,
the only thing that i hate right now
i really dunno wat to do..

im planning on writing the intro soon
but my minds always divert it way to other thing
i dun have enough determination..
i rather know that
determination is the key to succeed
gear up
throw away all those lazy thot
and d devils around
keep focusing on

yes i can do this,
for my term paper im writing or rather doing a brief literature review, regarding a compound that is found in the birds' nest fungi, this fungi has anti microbial activity which had the advantage that is very useful for the medicinal field.. maybe i should write on, the best way to synthesize this compound, so that the end product would be a pure one, with better accessibility to the microbial properties... so that's all

*start to think the best intro ever*
i can do this
i have the determination
i want to pass
i want to get the credits
i want to finish this
as soon as possible

[oh can i do this?]

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