is an emotion,
felt when down,
expressed always with tear
keep the heart n mind close for a while

is something i felt
at this moment
at this point

is making my head feels dizzy
causing my mind to focus only on one thing

cause by the dissappointment i had today
i felt like
a jack of all trade
master of none

that i've read all n try to understand all the topics
i could not do very well

that people around me is whispering...
saying things that they cant n can do it
discussing things about something i dont understand

that i still have assignments to do
and i still havent done with my project

Oh! ~sad~
that i need a time out

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dayahyusoff said…
banyaknya perkataan sad~

jgnlah sedih2 em. tabahkan hatimu. hadapi dengan senyuman!! :))
eMiLyRacHeaL said…
terima kasih cik hidayah.. hehe.. rindu sama kamU.. bila nk dtg cni? hahahaha~
wHoSeNa said…
em jgn sedih2..bkn ko sorg jer rs begitu..~~
dayahyusoff said…
cik hidayah??!!!! hahaa ;) rindu banyakkk jugak sama ko, dora, tuty di sana. ;(

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